New Delhi Thoracic Surgery

New Delhi India has a higher incidence of cancer and respiratory problems. Thoracic surgery is one of the most successful procedures that help with respiratory conditions.Thoracic Surgery In New Delhi India is a surgical specialty that focuses on the treatment of diseases and conditions of the chest and its related organs, including the lungs, heart, esophagus, and trachea. In particular, thoracic surgery is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of cancer of the lung, bronchus, esophagus, and trachea, diseases of the heart and lungs, diseases of the esophagus and trachea, and diseases of the mediastinum. Thoracic Surgery In New Delhi India is a surgical specialty that is performed on the chest, the lungs, and other parts of the chest wall. Thoracic surgery can be used to diagnose and treat conditions such as emphysema, pneumothorax, and heart disease. It is a medical specialty that is done by surgeons, who are experts in the field of general surgery. Pectus deformity is a medical...