Getting a surgeon for Thoracic Surgery in New Delhi

Thoracic Surgery in New Delhi is a medical specialty that deals with treating the organs of the thorax or the chest. This includes the esophagus, trachea, lungs, heart, diaphragm, and lymph nodes. Diseases like lung cancer, emphysema and heart conditions like coronary artery disease are some of the most commonly treated by cardiothoracic and thoracic surgical procedures. Due to the degree of skill required for these procedures, a patient will like to get a thoracic surgeon who is highly experienced and competent. In India, one way of making sure the competency of a surgeon is to select one that is board certified by the accredited organization of thoracic surgeons. To be considered certified, a physician should first complete a thoracic surgery residency in an accredited program, and successfully complete a specific number of clergies according to the discipline. Pectus Carinatum in Delhi In this deformity, which is a sequel to childhood rickets in most cases, the sternum protrud...